25 December 2007

christmas thus far

ah yes, i am home for the holidays. and loving just about every minute (there are the inevitable slow moments one incurs when going home. but being with the family by far makes up for any said moments).

i'll describe the trip later. right now it's 2:00 a.m. on christmas eve. my dearest friend just called to tell me she got engaged this evening. i'm beyond thrilled. but also now can't sleep. you can't spring such great news on a girl and expect her to fall immediately back to slumber. but i'm also not coherent enough to write anything grand.

so instead, you get a picture of me. by our tree. standing. it's exciting, i know. i actually really like the second picture with my reflection in the ornament.

merry christmas everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who got engaged???