12 November 2007

charlestown aka charleston

this weekend we had our "grits" girls reunion for all the ladies in mi familia. and yes, grits does in fact stand for "girls raised in the south." classic, i know. our point of destination was charleston, south carolina. having never actually been to charleston before i was excited to go.

all in all, there were about 20 women who came. we had fabulous dinners and girl talk. i stayed in a room with my cousin which was fun. other highlights include: taking $4 "rick shaws" (taxis) around town, the palm trees that lined the streets, shopping on king street and the farmers market.

i did notice something interesting about human behaviour, though. other than our scheduled dinners on friday and saturday night, the rest of the time was open to do whatever you liked. even with the other options of women i could talk to, (all of which are part of my family that i rarely see) i stuck with my sister and cousin and mom. basically people i see on a regular basis.
if given the chance, people stick with what they're familiar and comfortable with. it was a good lesson for me, especially in a work context. i would have liked if there had been more structured activities that gave us opportunities to be around other family members.

side note-did you know that charleston was the first city to switch out the british flag for an american one during the revolution?

by far my favorite photo from the weekend. sassy sister, sassy.

the dc trio-cousin andrea, tab, me

charleston is known for their "sweet grass" baskets. they were originally made by slaves and the art has been passed down for generations. the sweet grass that they're made of is now hard to find and difficult to grow, so these baskets are steadily increasing in cost.

my aunt and mom deciding which basket to snatch up

this man taught me all i know about sweet baskets...

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Hello southern girl... when are you coming to NC next?