08 September 2008

thoughts on getting married

here are my thoughts on getting married, in no particular order:

1-getting married is a weighty matter. literally. is there any girl out there who doesn't start thinking about all the hundreds of photos that will be snapped of her that day? and how they'll hang in her living room for years to come? and how good she wants to look in the bathing suit she'll be sporting on el honeymoon? man oh man i was not prepared for how stressed i would get about this whole getting in shape for the marriage thing. alas, two months left.
2-what in the world is product liability insurance on food? and why do i need it?
3-i made a chain link today to count down the month and i'll make another one for the last month. i get to take one off each night if i do the five following things: 1-read my scriptures 2-work out (see above entry) 3-write in my journal 4-read some kind of spiritual matter (preferably the scripture sort) with odie 5-eat three balanced meals and two snacks/day. i'm pretty excited about the chain. i fell in love with the chain link idea in kindegarten and have not given up on making them for memorable occasions since. odie, expect many more over the course of our life together.
4-i can't wait to be endowed and go through the temple. as i've been preparing to go through, i'm struck by how powerful the sealing power is. is there anything more comforting than knowing that you can be with your family forever? FOREVER. what a lovely and fabulous concept. just the thought of it makes me want to be more focused on my family relationships. how grateful i am for the priesthood and the gospel being restored.
5-watch hotel rwanda. doesn't really relate to my getting married. but, wow, that is one powerful movie.
6-marriages are expensive. i've made it a personal commitment to always offer to help out with any future weddings. be it cooking, making signs, stuffing invitations, etc. you name it. it takes a lot of volunteers to make a wedding come off.
7-going along with numero 6, i've discovered (yet again) that i'm horrible at asking people for help. i have taken it upon me to single-handedly plan this wedding. i work in event planning so therefore i should be able to handle this, right? wrong. i'm just grateful my darling mom came up last weekend to help me out. i was stressed. badly. but she calmed me down.
8-i love my colors of light pink and gray.
9-i can't wait to be mrs. ovard. this guy of mine sure is great. so loving, so giving, so funny, so concerned for me, so humble. the list goes on. what's best about him is that he is mine and i get to take care of him. and guess what? he loves to take care of me. it's quite nice on both ends.
10-i'm so excited to go to cancun. a warm location in november sounds beyond appealing.

that's it for now. my blog layout is dreadfully boring. i'm waiting until i'm mrs. ovard to start a new and snazzy blog for the two of us to detail our upcoming adventures.

i'm off to GA this weekend for my shower. can't wait to get home.


Jenny said...

I'd love to help out in any way I can. I'm a huge fan of the Ovards. And I agree, Hotel Rwanda is a must see.

Karie said...

Nice thoughts my dear tracy! I plan to be at your shower this weekend - see you then!

Karon said...

I laughed when I read that you had made a chain to count down to your wedding. I love that you still make them! Also, I wish I was there to give you a hand with whatever you need and I want to eat those chocolates in the picture.

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Ovard too!

Gretchen said...

Yay!! I'm so excited for you to be Mrs. Ovard! Planning is a bit stressful, but I'm sure everything will be beautiful! How could it not with you as the bride? PS Jake and I went to Cancun last summer, it was soooooo fun! The 2 things I recommend doing while you're there are snorkeling at Xel-Ha and doing the zipline course at Selvatica. Both were amazing highlights of our trip! Good luck!

John and Brieanne Dabney said...

Can't wait to see you tomorrow! I'm sure you look fabulous. Me...well, I just had 2 kids, so try not to judge when you see me, k?

John and Brieanne Dabney said...

It was so good to see you! I wish I could have stayed longer. The duties of motherhood called (you'll find out one day!!). Good luck with everything.

Mary Linde (Mom) said...

Loved your thoughts and agree wholeheartedly - being an eternal family is a wonderful blessing. I can't wait for you to become Mrs.Ovard too....you love De so much and I know he loves you too. The shower this past weekend was great fun. You looked so cute as a "flapper". Don't worry, we'll bring all the rest of the gifts up when we come to the NC shower. So great to have you home for a day.... LOL, Mom

King Family said...

Tracy! You truly are an inspiration to me! I love you girl!