04 March 2008


last weekend we (tyler, justin, taylor and i) went to san francisco. as some of you may remember, this was my first time visiting california.

some of the weekend activities included a trip down lunbard street (scary getting up there!), alcatraz (by far the highlight), a boat toar, walking on golden gate bridge, eating at fisherman's wharf, perusing sasilito and visiting chiatown.

enjoy the photos!

sidenote-we flew virgin to get out there. i HIGHLY recommend them. each seat has a computer screen in front of it that you can play games, watch tv, movies, order food, IM anyone on the plane, etc. basically it made the six-hour flight go by so quickly...

taylor looking pretty happy for being in a jail

al capone. look at how nice he seems...

the view of san fran from alcatraz

tay and me on our way over

wow. this is one sad looking picture

me in chinatown right as i got ripped off buying a t-shirt

i loved this wall

the boys on our way to alcatraz

me and justin

and last, but not least, the bridge