29 June 2007

time to rest

it's friday afternoon which makes for a perfect time to catch up on last weekend as i prepare to enter this one...

remember in my last blog how i mentioned that i learned the lesson to not try to leave the city on a friday afternoon? well apparently lessons are soon forgotten in my mind as my sister and i started out on our trek down to NC friday afternoon. two hours and 13 miles later, the recently learned lesson was all too apparent. needless to say, we made it safely there, just slightly delayed.

saturday was so fun as we had a bridal shower for my sister tab. nothing like a good 'ole bridal shower with a bunch of southern women, all of which are part of your family. it's times like that that i am reminded just how much i love my family and love the south. tab made out like a bandit with all of her gifts and i enjoyed playing maid of honor (a responsibility that i'm not quite sure yet what all it entails. i interpreted it to mean being social with all the guests but somehow feel as though i probably neglected at least some of my unknown duties).

sunday morning i hopped on a flight from NC up to NYC where i met seth at penn station. he had rented a car and we began our trek up to Boston. the drive was 3 1/2 hours which isn't bad. directly once we got there we headed to fenway for a bbq thank-you dinner with romney. i felt like such an outsider as i was surrounded by those that actually belonged there and had actually raised funds for romney. i luckily was able to tag along with seth and i saw a few old friends in the meantime. that evening we went to the north end and had dinner with friends.

monday we drove back to NYC and that evening had a chill night that consisted a walk around central park followed by a fabulous argentine restaurant. tuesday morning i hopped on another plane and headed back to DC and went straight to work.

i oddly enough took zero pictures this weekend. lame, i know. but i believe my sister has about 2,000 from the bridal shower so i'll see if i can muster some up and post soon. oh! that's right! i took all of the photos at the bridal shower which makes me feel like i at least fulfilled some of my duties. ah, i feel better now...

happy upcoming weekend everyone!

19 June 2007

takin' a walk

tracy and sethtracy and seth

it's 8:27 a.m. and i really want to be working within ten minutes so here goes. last weekend i went up to NYC again. i drove up with my dear charlee (old roommate but lifelong friend and soul mate -really we're so alike that soul mates adequately describes our relationship). we learned an important lesson which is never to leave the city at 6 assuming you won't get stuff in traffic. lesson learned.

saturday was great. seth and i met up with my old roommate kimber (who also happened to live with me and charlee). we went to south seaport and had lunch then walked across the brooklyn bridge. unfortunately for me i decided to wear my favorite custard-colored shoes that are nothing but plastic, but luckily for me i was smart enough to bring sandals in case that very situation arose. the walk was so enjoyable as kimber and i caught up and the boys, well, i think they discussed finance and i'm not exactly sure what else. after crossing the bridge we got ice cream from a charming ice cream shop (not quite sure what else to call it).

the rest of the weekend consisted of a bbq saturday night, playing with seth's nieces and heading back sunday night.

14 June 2007

7 Things I Love

ok, ok, Melissa, I dedicate this to you.

7-BBC. This website is by far my favorite for getting my news. Plus it's British which is an added bonus. And it's part of my daily routine. Come to work. Check email. Check BBC. Start day...So really my day wouldn't be complete without my British information source.

6-Runs in the city. I'm not sure if these will be in any correct order or not because 6 seems low for how much I love running in the city. Nothing provides the same feeling of escape as putting on your favorite tennis shoes, grabbing your iPod (which I carry with me but rarely use), and heading out. I've gotten in the habit of not wearing a watch which makes me feel like I'm escaping even more so as time is no longer a consideration. Add on the people. Ah, the people you see when you run down a busy street during rush hour. It's wonderful.

5-Text messages. Ha, perhaps this should go more in a "strongly like" category. Let me explain though what I love about text messages. In our day and age we rarely have the time to have long, drawn out conversations with people. Having the ability to quickly send an electronic note that says "I'm thinking of you" is the perfect solution. Edit-though texts are great, please understand that I cannot stand when they become the ONLY form of communication. In that sense I think we've become way too dependent on technology, but alas, I'm writing about things I love, back to the matter at hand...

4-Sephora. I don't consider myself very girly by way of buying and applying makeup, but when I walk in this store I feel as though it makes up for any lack of girliness I may not possess. Add on that they have every scent known to man and it makes for a fun store to peruse through.

3-My car running. I have this fear that since I'm so neglectful with my car that it'll die on me anytime. I really have no reason to think that other than I don't really understand how cars work so I just hope mine keeps running...

2-My sister's wedding. For numerous reasons. The largest probably being that she's getting married which is huge. The second being that I get to help with the invitation and details and such (though I have been busy and not as attentive as needed). Either way, I love weddings and I love them even more so when they entail your only sister getting married.

1-My health. I'm realizing as I get older (I did turn 24 you know) that my health is beyond precious and by all standards I'm as healthy as a horse. Did I really just compare myself to a horse? But I am grateful for my health.

So there you have it. My top 7 things at 8:51 a.m. that are my favorites. Though I think it somehow turned into a gratitude list more than anything. Understand please that I left off the obvious ones of family, Gospel, friends, etc. For those don't even need to be written, it is just understand.

And Melissa, again, this post is for you. Never say that I didn't give you a good wedding gift.

08 June 2007

promise fulfilled

last blog i promised that my next post would include a photo that was beyond exciting and well folks, it doesn't get much more exciting than having your photo taken with mr. mitt romney himself.

yesterday evening laura and i volunteered at a fundraiser and as such got to mingle with those that had actually paid to be there. we affectionately worked the nametag table ( i laugh at how offended people get if they have to (gasp!) write their own name on a nametag). after our official duties were done we promptly went outside to hear mitt speak.

after the speech laura and i gave each other a look of determination that communicated what we had to do. we grabbed our friend andrew (photo taker of course) and began our march through the crowds. bless laura's heart, she's so cute that of course she just grabs mitt's arm out of the mob and asks for a picture.

a priceless picture taken with mitt romney for an hour's worth of checking people in. not a bad trade off. not bad at all.

04 June 2007

it all began on this day

don't you just love birthdays? when else can you expect in one day to hear from every person that's dear to you? or to have people shower you with well wishes and to congratulate you for entering the world on that very day?

friday, june 1, was my 24 birthday. i'm pretty excited about being 24. this has been a great, borderline amazing, year so far and i only see becoming 24 as another turning point for even better things. hmm...that gets me thinking, what do i want to accomplish at the ripe old age of 24? find a husband perhaps? go to guatemala? finally finish the never ending line of books that i'm halfway through? figure out what my plans are for a masters? suggestions?

ah, but back to the present. here are some photos from my birthday gathering last evening. these photos are dreadfully boring. not that the people are, but the poses are all the same. next post, there will be more thrilling photos. just watch.

please note, the green shirt is my official "birthday shirt". i'd like to point out that i wore it saturday, sunday and i'm now wearing it to work today. sick, i know. but hey, it's a great shirt.

happy birthday!